Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday Scribblings

#213 Event  

I had been to my mother's over the weekend; both she and my brother had been sick. My brother was feeling better but my mom still felt pretty awful. I went home and by Tuesday I felt sick too, nothing major just bad, nothing felt right. As the week went on I worked a little here, a little there. My mom still hadn't gone back to work. I talked to my mom over the weekend and we agreed that we would go to our respective doctors. I called Monday and got an appointment for Tuesday. Mom called Monday and got in. Doctor told mom that everything seemed ok, just a touch of the flu, maybe a little anemic, do some blood work to be safe. Tuesday I go to the doctor, flu, can't go back to work until Thursday. Mom got her blood work back, Leukemia...


  1. Oh Kristin, I'm very sorry. Sending healing vibes and strength.

  2. The shock is terrible but hopefully you will find it may be quite treatable. It is just on 12 years since my wife was diagnosed with myeloma (one of the many types of leukemia). She is still with me and fighting on and taking any new treatment that comes along to beat the nasties back.

    Never give up!

  3. That's a horrible shock and not the sort of event anyone wants. Prayer for you both from here.

    Fancy a new prompt? try Saturday Soapbox:

  4. Aww Kristin. I am so sorry your mom is going through this all over again.

  5. don't know you but praying anyway.
