Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday Scribblings

#212 Dinner

Sunday Scribblings gives the world a weekly writing prompt that you can think and write on in any way you see fit. This is my first week and the prompt is 'Dinner'. We'll see how it goes.

    friends wine salad bread
   comfort warmth laughter dinner 
    coffee dessert joy

I decided to go with a Haiku, I can't remember the last time I wrote a Haiku.

Friday, April 23, 2010

sticks and stones

I love cemeteries. I especially like old cemeteries, they feel so rich with history. I think about all the stories that lie beneath the land, all the lives lived. I love the headstones, the dates, the names. I love small family plots on the side of the road or the back end of a property. I like the metamorphosis of funerary art. Old New England headstones are my favorite. There are three cemeteries in the area that I visit a couple of times a year because I have family buried in each. I talk, I clear the debris, I leave a stone. Regardless of what might happen after death I somehow feel a connection to something greater than today when I walk through the mazes. I wonder, walking through, how many don't have visitors, don't have someone to clear the sticks or leave a stone. I think about all of the bodies interred below the surface without a name on a headstone for someone to even know their bodies are there. I believe that we each carry a piece of all of those in our family who have come before us; without them we wouldn't be here today. In my family the men worked mines, they made paper, they drove horses, they worked their land. The women kept their families strong, warm, fed, comforted and well. I believe that I owe them all a little something. I wish that there was a contribution I could make to the world to honor the contribution that they made to me. I think about the wars they fought, the children they raised, the hardships they faced, the journeys they made. I can only hope that the life I live begins to repay that debt...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

you may say...

Something most don't know about me: I'm a dreamer. Everyday I have my feet firmly planted in my reality. Some days that reality is a good thing, some days not so good. The one thing it hasn't been in a long while, spectacular. So, in those quiet times throughout the day I dream. I put myself in different places, different circumstances and dream. What I need to find is the strength and courage to make those dreams come true. I can live a more fulfilling life, I don't doubt that. Not now though, I'm paralyzed by my self. I've hushed that part of me that goes out and makes things happen. I'm stuck. How do you get out of the things that have you mired down when you aren't really sure what they are? I need inspiration. I need an epiphany. I need an a-ha moment. I need butterflies.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A serious lack of talent

When I was in elementary school I played the cello and the clarinet. I hated the clarinet and only played for a couple of months before giving it up. The cello I played for a few years. I thought I was pretty good but it was 4th grade. I was a Brownie and then a Girl Scout for a few years. After that it was softball and yearbook in intermediate school. Softball I played for a couple of years, yearbook only 6th grade. In high school I got kicked off the cheerleading squad, supposedly for smoking in my uniform, I'm oddly proud of that! That is the extent of my participation in things. No dance class, no karate, no clubs, no art, no nothin'. It wasn't like there were things I wanted to do and didn't get a chance to, I didn't want to do anything else.

Fast-forward twenty some odd years and I have this desire to find something I'm good at; maybe a latent talent waiting to be discovered. So, I think about the things I like to do and it leads me nowhere. I love to sing but I can't carry a tune. I love to eat, but I don't enjoy cooking. I like taking pictures and I think I've taken some good ones, none to garner acclaim. I like to talk, I like to read, I like hanging out with family and friends, I like music and movies, I like being outside, and I love animals. None of these things take any talent. I have a couple of things you may call hobbies, they don't take any talent either.

How to discover it, how to find it, where to look, what to do...
I suspect the answer isn't sitting here on my couch.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Comcast is the devil...

Where I live Comcast has a monopoly, unless you want a dish. Just in the past few months Verizon has started laying their lines around the city and certain neighborhoods have it now. I have a double whammy: my apartment building is not designed so that we can have a dish and the management's contract is with Comcast. So, if I want to watch tv then I must bow down to Comcast. I've never really had any trouble with them, except for their exorbitant fees, until today. I have been paying for the obnoxious amount of tv package as long as I've lived here because I watch more tv than I care to admit. Last night I went to watch a movie on TMC and found that I didn't have it. I called Comcast, held for 14 minutes, spoke to a guy who said he isn't sure why I don't have it and can't help me. Call back tomorrow. This morning I called back to find that last week when my promotional offer expired there was repackaging and I no longer have TMC. I have every sports channel that they offer, that I never watch, because it is part of my package but 2 TMC channels are no longer available unless I want to pay more. I'm not going to do this, I don't need the channels but I am going to argue it on principle. I'm told that the marketing department may repackage it again when my current promotion expires. I move on...I got a mailing that said that they are now not charging for a second box that is non-HD. I inquire as to why I am being charged for my second box. The lovely woman tells me that I have an HD box. I know, but I also have a regular digital box. It doesn't matter. If you have an HD box then you are charged for all additional boxes. That is not what your detailed price list said. Explain please. She's got nothing, that is just how it is. As my mom would say: I thinked I just got f#&*ed with my pants on. Remember when you could threaten to take your business elsewhere and it meant something. Comcast should know that it's employee towed the line and never went off script. At the end of the conversation when she got to the part where she says 'thank you for choosing Comcast' I stopped her quickly and said 'don't you dare thank me, I wasn't given a choice.' If only I could give up tv...

Taking the Plunge...

I read a few of my friends' blogs regularly. I always thought I would never keep a blog. Who would want to read my random thoughts? I don't even like having some of them. Then I realized that I could do it just for me. So, I've taken the plunge and I am going to blog. If you are reading this please know that I am doing this for me, so don't complain when it is boring, redundant, incomprehensible, foolish, pointless, or just plain stupid. However, if you enjoy it, let me know.

Now, I am off to do my taxes. Nothing like waiting until the last minute!